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Dr. Md. Rasel Ahmad
Assistant Professor
Department of Public Health & Informatics
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1) Saiham KS, Hossain MR, Ahmad MR, Hossin MI. , Ultrasonographic Evaluation in the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis with Histopathological Correlation. , Journal of Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur, 2019, 3(1), 15-19
2) Yesmin L, Saiham KS, Hossain MR, Ahmad MR, Hossin MI. , Mammographic Evaluation of Breast Mass & Comparison with Histopathological Findings., Journal of Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur , 2019, 3(1), 28-32
3) Ahmad MR, Ara I, Talukder HK, Hossin I, Islam S, Harun AA, Joarder M., Past, Present and Future Perspective of Undergraduate Dental Curriculum in Bangladesh: Teachers and Student Perceptions. , Bangladesh Dental Journal, 2018, 34(1), 143-149
4) Ahmad MR, Ara I, Talukder HK, Hossin I, Islam S, Importance of Assessment Methods for Improving the Quality and Effectiveness of Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Dental Students., Bangladesh Dental Journal, 2018, 34(2), 10-15
5) Hossin MI, Faruque M, Ahmad MR, Talukder HK, Harun AA, Islam, Joarder M. , Awareness of Intern Doctors about Medical Emergencies during Dental Treatment in Different Dental College Hospital in Bangladesh. , Bangladesh Dental Journal, 2018, 34(1), 48-51
6) Hossin I, Faruque M, Ahmad MR, Talukder HK, Harun AA, Joarder M, Islam S. , Monitoring of Patients’ Safety during Dental Treatment of Different Dental Colleges in Bangladesh: Clinical Teachers and Intern Doctors’ Perception. , Bangladesh Dental Journal , 2018, 34(2), 150-153
7) Ahmad MR, Ara I, Talukder HK, Hossin I, Harun AA, Chowdhury DKP, Faruque M., Opinion of Bangladeshi Teachers and Undergraduate Clinical Students regarding the Course Duration of BDS Curriculum. , Bangladesh Journal of Medical Education , 2017, 8(1), 18-21
8) Ahmad MR, Ara I, Talukder HK, Chowdhury DKP, Hossin I, Raihan M., Teachers and Clinical Students’ Perception of the Core Competencies of Different Subjects of the Undergraduate BDS Curriculum., Bangladesh Journal of Medical Education , 2017, 8(2), 24-28
9) Hossin I, Faruque M, Talukder HK, Ahmad MR, Harun AA,Chowdhury DKP. , Competency Based Internship Training Programme in Undergraduate Dental Education in Bangladesh: Clinical Teachers and Intern Doctors’ Perception. , Bangladesh Journal of Medical Education , 2017, 8(1), 9-13
10) Harun AA, Habib A,Talukder HK, Hossin I,Ahmad MR., Introduction of Licensing Examination for the Registration of Medical and Dental Practitioners: Views of Stakeholders in Present context of Bangladesh., Bangladesh Journal of Medical Education , 2017, 8(1), 2-8
11) Chowdhury DKP, Saha D, Talukder HK, Habib A, Islam A F M S, Ahmad MR, HossinMI., Evaluation of Pharmacology Written Question Paper of MBBS Professional Examinations. , Bangladesh Journal of Medical Education , 2017, 8(2), 12-17
12) Raihan M, Afroza S, Talukder HK, Harun AA, Hossin I,Ahmad MR., Quality Assurance in Undergraduate Dental Institutions of Bangladesh: Views of Stakeholders., Bangladesh Journal of Medical Education , 2017, 8(2), 7-11
13) Ahmad MR, Hossin MI., Views of Bangladeshi Teachers and Undergraduate Clinical Students regarding the Learning Environment of Undergraduate BDS Curriculum., Journal of Saphena Womens Dental College,JSWDC , 2017, 5(2), 11-15
14) Joarder M, Begum S A, Ahmad MR, Hossin I, Islam S, Harun AA. , Effects of Human Papillomavirus Infection with Pre-invasive Cervical Lesions: Bangladesh Perspective., Journal of Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur , 2017, 1(2), 19-22
15) Harun AA, Habib A, Ahmad MR, Hossin I, Joarder M, Islam S. , Benefits of Introduction of Licensing Examination for Registration of Medical and Dental Practitioners: Bangladesh Perspectives., Journal of Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur, 2017, 1(2), 23-26
16) Ahmad MR, Ara I, Talukder HK, Hossin I, Harun AA, Chowdhury DKP, Faruque M., Teachers and Students Perception about the Present Status of Undergraduate Dental Curriculum in Bangladesh. , Bangladesh Journal of Medical Education, 2016, 7(2), 28-33
17) Hossin I, Faruque M, Talukder HK, Ahmad MR, Harun AA,Chowdhury DKP, IClinical Teachers and Intern Doctors’ Perception about the Effectiveness of Ongoing Internship Programme in Undergraduate Dental Education in Bangladesh., Bangladesh Journal of Medical Education, 2016, 7(2), 23-27